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Robert Stakenborghs, MSME, PE
Level III Microwave NDT Specialist
Bob is a licensed engineering leader with extensive expertise in design, operations, repairs, and business development within government and commercial Non-Destructive Testing arena. He is a trusted technical leader providing testing, analysis, and reporting on sophisticated inspection projects and equipment development. Bob is skilled in solving complex inspection issues designing and using innovative bespoke inspection equipment and technologies to support various industries
2020 - Present
Advanced Microwave Imaging, LLC., CEO
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
2004 - 2020
Evisive, INC., General Manager / Engineering Manager
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Professional Affiliations
Microwave NDT Publications
Other Publications
2020 - Present
Advanced Microwave Imaging, LLC., CEO
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Founded company to continue developing Microwave Inspection Equipment and Procedures for specialized inspection of dielectric materials.
- Continuing research efforts with EPRI and others on Microwave Inspection of fiberglass and other specialized inspection topics.
2004 - 2020
Evisive, INC., General Manager / Engineering Manager
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Effectively led a group of up to 10 engineers analyzing and streamlining solutions in international and domestic microwave inspection equipment, procedures and techniques.
- Primary researcher on multiple Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects in the area of microwave inspection of dielectric materials
- Led research in multiple EPRI projects associated with microwave based inspection of dielectric materials including fiberglass wind turbine blades, high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) butt fusion and electro-fused joints, and rubber expansion joints
- Assisted multiple client organizations with reviews and interpretations of microwave inspection results
- Performed proof of principle testing on new materials and first time inspections with microwave technology
- Authored multiple EPRI reports ion microwave inspection of materials
- Authored ASTM E3101 and ASTM E3102 on Microwave Inspection of HDPE butt fusions and electro-fusion joints.
- Authored ASME Section III, Appendix XXVI, Supplement II-B on Microwave Inspection of HDPE Joints ▪ Authored ASME Section V Article on Microwave NDT
- Authored ISO draft standard on Microwave Inspection of HDPE Joints
- Authored multiple peer reviewed papers on microwave inspection techniques and equipment
- Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Registered Professional Engineer - Maryland, Kansas, and Louisiana
Professional Affiliations
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Elected Fellow 2017
- ASME Code Committees:
- Section III, HDPE Materials, Design, and Inspection
- Section XI, Non Metallics Repair and Replacement
- Mobile Unmanned Systems Standards Committee
- American Society of Non-Destructure Testing (ASNT) Microwave Committee Member
- American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E07 Member, Expert on Microwave Inspection
- International Standards Organization (ISO)m Expert on MW Inspection of HDPE
- Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE)
- ASME Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) Executive Committee
- ASME Senior Leadership Team, Energy Conversion and Storage
Microwave NDT Publications
- Stakenborghs, Robert. Validation of a Microwave Based Inspection System for HDPE Butt Fusions, 2014. PVP2014-29068.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Goitia, Ryan. Detection and Characterization of Corrosion Under Coatings, 2012. PVP2014-29069.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Little, Jack. Mechanical Test Correlation for Microwave Based NDE Inspection of HDPE Thermal and Electro-Fusion Pipe Joints. 2010. ICONE18-30260.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Little, Jack. Microwave Based NDE Inspection of HDPE Pipe. 2009. ICONE17-75742.
- Stakenborghs, Robert. New Method To Detect Cold Fusion Joints In High Density Polyethylene Pipe, 2012 ANTEC, Orlando Florida.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Little, Jack. A Modern Approach to Condition-Based Maintenance of Reinforced Rubber Cooling System Expansion Joints Utilizing a Microwave Non-Destructive Inspection Method. 2009. ICONE17-75602.
- Stakenborghs, Robert, Innovative Technique for Inspection of Polyethylene Piping Base Material and Welds and Non Metallic Pipe Repair, 2006, ASME Paper PVP2006-ICPVT11-93795
Other Publications
- Stakenborghs, Robert. A Closed Form Solution for Density Driven Flows, 2019. ICONE27-2274.
- Stakenborghs, Robert, Moody, Frederick J., The Effects of Compressibility and Piping Geometry on Steam Hammer Loads. 2018. ICONE26-81003.
- Stakenborghs, Robert, Kramer, G. A Combined Small Reactor and Gas Turbine Cycle with Reheat, 2018. ICONE26-81002.
- Stakenborghs, Robert, Joseph S. Miller and Robert Tsai. Improving Nuclear Power Plant’s Operational Efficiencies in the USA, 2012. ICONE20-POWER2012-54027.
- Stakenborghs, Robert, Kramer, Gregory, Moles Sean and Dziuba, Lindsey. Use of FEA Software in Diagnosing Valve Performance Degradation. 2012. ICONE20- POWER2012-55242.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Morgan, Michael. An Analytical Method for Modeling Two Phase Gravity-Driven Drainage Systems in BOP Applications. 2010. ICONE18-30261.
- Stakenborghs, Robert and Dziuba, Lindsey. Simplified Approach to Establishing Bounding Main Steam Piping Support Load Increase Due to Reactor Power Uprate. 2009. ICONE17-75743
- Conference Co-Chair, ASME Advanced Clean Energy Summit, Denver, Colorado, 2019.
- Conference Co-Chair, International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE25, Shanghai, China, 2017.
- Conference Co-Chair, International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE24, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2016.
- Track Chair, ASME Small Modular Reactor Symposium Conference, Washington D.C., 2014.
- Technical Program Chair, International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE21, Chengdu, China, 2013.
- Track Chair, International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE20, Anaheim, California, 2012.
- Track Chair, ASME Small Modular Reactor Symposium Conference, Washington D.C., 2011.